Category geography

7th & 8th Grades: African Geography

7th & 8th Grades: African Geography As part of our African geography block, each student in the seventh and eighth grade class was assigned a country in Africa to research and present a main lesson on. This included a review…

In the Classroom - 4/7/2017

Early Childhood—Spring is Springing There will be puddles, mud, and worms. Who are we to judge? Dress for the weather and enjoy it! 1st Grade: Planting Seeds The first and second graders work with Mrs. Fiskum to plant Johnny Jump…

In the Classroom, 3/10/2017

Early Childhood King Winter has left his throne on the nature table. He is making his slow exit out of Early Childhood rooms, each day progressing to a new place. Early Childhood: Hike Day On Monday our Apple Blossom Garden…

4th Grade Norse Mythology

The flip side of the chalkboard drawings you saw here last week, these were rendered by our fourth graders, re-created from the teacher's chalkboard drawings. The images came first to the children through storytelling. The children listened as their teacher brought…

Chalkboard Drawings in the Grades

Chalkboard drawings are a part of Waldorf Education that not everyone is aware of, and even fewer get to see for themselves. They are a cornerstone of Waldorf classrooms, and are an integral part of the way lessons are brought…