Category 2nd Grade

2nd & 3rd Grades - Glimpses

Last week the second and third grade class visited Old World Wisconsin to learn about trades and machinery of the past. This trip was a perfect companion to the Living on Earth elements of the Waldorf curriculum which focuses on…

2nd & 3rd Grades - Garden Prep

Second and third graders prepared the ground for the new raised beds. The school is seeking donations for fencing and compost. If you would like to give, or have a contact, please let Mrs. Faden know.

2nd & 3rd Grades - First People Stories

Second and third graders are hearing First People stories. This focus connects the students with the earth, nature, and one another. The Corn Maiden story tells of the spirit gift of corn received by the Ojibwa tribe. The watercolor painting…

2nd & 3rd Grades - Glimpses

The class painted tigers in honor of their role in the Chinese New Year celebration. Third grade has returned to the Promised Land with stories of David and Goliath. They learned that David was a shepherd, a musician, and was…

2nd & 3rd Grades - Homesteading

The second and third grades completed their homesteading block on January 25th. They each had time being a baker, crafter, homemaker, and a weaver. We thanked the land, the animals, our string and able hands, and each other for making…