In the Classroom, 3/10/2017

71bcf88c ff6b 4426 bd67 220fe0bb481fEarly Childhood

King Winter has left his throne on the nature table. He is making his slow exit out of Early Childhood rooms, each day progressing to a new place.

E3ca44dd 9578 4bb4 b32d 38d6895cd6ffEarly Childhood: Hike Day

On Monday our Apple Blossom Garden class took a walk to the magical woods. They had lots of fun, and gathered treasures from nature for their upcoming project for the Aloha! spring auction.

Fe759ee4 bc98 43db 9c54 13cf234ff9841st & 2nd Grades: Closing Verse

Grades one and two share a quiet moment at the end of the day with closing verse.

1d45f595 cfa9 4262 bcd0 4982559b32943rd Grade: Meeting Kirk!

This week the third graders met Mrs. English's grandson, baby Kirk!

C99d0975 7f1c 4fd4 9863 ac3b8d79c6004th Grade: Set Painting

The fourth graders have been working hard memorizing their lines, painting their sets and rehearsing for their upcoming class play, "Thor and the Giants."

7f987faf 6260 4c4d a75b 3b463443e37f7th & 8th Grades: Geography

Learning about Africa in our upper grades.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698