The Giving Circle - Donate Today!

The Da Vinci Waldorf School Giving Circle is an annual opportunity for community members to gather together, share goals and dreams for our school, and decide together how to make those goals and dreams come true.

Our school, like any non-profit organization, needs support to achieve its mission—but we also want your involvement. A portion of donations received will be spent at the direction of Giving Circle members. The Giving Circle's goal is to foster relationships and strengthen our school community beyond the financial realm by bringing collaboration, transparency, and community wisdom into our fundraising and fund allocation processes. The Giving Circle is an opportunity to create a spiritual connection within the community, uniting us throughout the year.

You are invited to invest your values and lend your voice to the future direction of Da Vinci Waldorf School.

Your gift at any level makes you a voting member of the Da Vinci Waldorf School Giving Circle. Every gift is a voice—all members will be invited to submit proposals about how to spend the Giving Circle fund. We will then meet on Saturday, November 4th at the Middle School Campus and decide together how to allocate the dollars to best meet the school’s needs.

This year's proposals will be announced soon, but you can expect items related to our expansion, middle school program, and orchestra. 

Donate today. 


Donations $100 and up will receive a really nice tote bag (it's a good bag-we promise!).

Donations $500 and up will receive a really nice tote bag and be named a Cornerstone Member.


No amount is too small. We mean it.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698