1st Grade - Charlotte's Web
Our first full day of school was quite special. While resting and reading Charlotte's Web we were visited by a spider friend who dropped down on its web from a nearby lamp to alight on the book and take in…
Our first full day of school was quite special. While resting and reading Charlotte's Web we were visited by a spider friend who dropped down on its web from a nearby lamp to alight on the book and take in…
This week we learned the ancient Romans were not the first people to create stone arches. However, they harnessed their potential more than ever before, arranging them at intervals that allowed them to create massive structures such as the Colosseum…
Last week, during our first sculpture class, the 7th and 8th graders were asked to gather materials from nature and assemble them into a fully three-dimensional sculpture. This week we worked with the idea of relief sculpture. Initially the students…
Please enjoy this glimpse into what our students have been learning and doing this week! Early Childhood: Spring Gifts Sunflower Garden (Top): Seeds planted, and birdie treasures molded from beeswax by little fingers. Happy spring! Wonder Garden (bottom left): A…