Please enjoy this glimpse into what our students have been learning and doing this week!

In the classroom 4/14/2017 early childhood springEarly Childhood: Spring Gifts

Sunflower Garden (Top): Seeds planted, and birdie treasures molded from beeswax by little fingers. Happy spring!

Wonder Garden (bottom left): A beautiful taste of spring, planted and nurtured by our students, and taken home just in time to enjoy for Easter!

Apple Blossom Garden (bottom right): Spring gardens, ready to go home.

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - happy easter - 1dst grade1st Grade: Happy Easter

The first graders enjoyed seasonal watercolor painting and color exploration this week. They also modeled rabbits from clay. Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - 2nd grade - class play2nd Grade: Class Play

The second graders performed their class play on Friday and had a blast bringing the story to life!

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - 3rd grade - orchestra3rd Grade: Orchestra

Third graders had their first violin class today. This marks their entry into the orchestra program.

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - 4th grade - zoology4th Grade: Zoology, Up Close

The fourth graders enjoyed an exciting trip to Brookfield Zoo this week, bolstering their ongoing study of zoology. Most of the students were able to observe the specific animal they are researching for the big animal project they are currently undertaking. They had learned a lot, and had a great time in the process!

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - 5th grade - physics5th & 6th Grades: Physics

Physics is fun—and musical, too! The fifth and sixth graders learned that music can come from surprising places. Next up: the secret of light!

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - beekeeping5th, 6th, 7th & 8th Grades: New Bees

The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders learned first-hand about beekeeping this week. They welcomed new bees and installed them in their new home! The queen travels in a separate box so she can be introduced to the colony with with care.

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - serviice - 7th grade & 8th grade7th & 8th Grades: Easter Egg Dyeing / Service Learning

The seventh and eighth graders dyed Easter eggs with the residents of Liberty Arms during Service Learning this week.

Learn more about the Service Learning pilot program in this year's annual report (in your mailbox at school, if you haven't picked it up, yet.)

In the classroom 4/14/2017 - relief sculptures - 7th grade - 8th grade7th & 8th Grades: Relief Sculpture

The seventh and eighth graders completed their relief sculptures this week. These works of art were created by building up a thick layer of clay and then carefully removing clay in order to reveal the desired form. Look carefully and you may see names of the budding sculptors on the pieces! See students in the process of sculpting, here.

We hope you enjoyed In the Classroom 4/14/2017!
Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698