The faculty and staff of Da Vinci Waldorf School are happy to share our exciting language program news! Starting this week we will begin the first block of a new and engaging language program.
The diverse cultural heritage and story-rich traditions of Asia will allow for an enlivened classroom experience learning Mandarin Chinese with teacher Lauren Moretti.
Did you know that Mandarin is the official language of China, but China is not the only place in the world where people speak Mandarin? Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia all have significant Mandarin-speaking communities. We are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity to our students, and hope you will join us in welcoming our new language teacher. While Lauren will be new to this role within our school, this talented teacher is certainly familiar with Da Vinci Waldorf and our students.
Lauren Moretti first joined us two years ago as the Aftercare Program teacher, and has since worked frequently as a language arts teacher and substitute teacher in the grade school. She comes to us with much classroom experience and an enthusiasm and joy for teaching language. Her time living and teaching in Taiwan has prepared her well for this adventure. We couldn't be more thrilled to have her on staff here and hope you will take time to say hello!
We hope to provide a continued experience in Spanish soon, but do not want the children to miss out on a language opportunity while we search for the right Spanish teaching candidate.