Category In The Classroom

Apple Blossom Garden - Obstacle Course

Obstacle course during our circle time - making snowflakes (trampoline), walking over an icy bridge (balance beam), pass through the icy tunnel (army crawl under the table), & making snowballs (somersaults)!

6th, 7th & 8th Grades - Physiology

The 6h, 7th & 8th graders have been studying physiology and different systems of the body including digestion and reproduction. Through their discussions and lessons, they are gaining an insight into the mechanical and chemical workings of the body and…

2nd & 3rd Grades - Glimpses

The class painted tigers in honor of their role in the Chinese New Year celebration. Third grade has returned to the Promised Land with stories of David and Goliath. They learned that David was a shepherd, a musician, and was…