2a00fa3c 1c8b 4aef 93c7 d9335d7ec1b0Early Childhood
In the Wonder Garden, free play is flowing, with many water themes like "the deep ocean" and  "super-heroes at the water park."

8e5bc048 6b61 4fa4 bc60 5582afbd1ac81st Grade: Handwork
Students are moving along on their scarf knitting.

Url31st & 2nd Grades: Painting

A painting of Anansi the spider from the first and second grades.

Url42nd Grade: Beeswax Modeling

Pippi Longstocking.

Ad0ffbf1 36ff 4d6a abc5 3c943308f7d13nd Grade: Multiplication Table Boards

In Waldorf education we often see the beginnings of things that will come later. These multiplication table boards in third grade reveal a glimpse of beauty and truth that will be further explored in sixth grade geometry.

Url54th Grade: Animal Studies
As a part of our animal studies this year, the fourth graders have been exploring the landscapes in which we envision animals in a natural habitat. Through a combination of technical instruction and free artistic expression, the class explored uses of color and form in this painting of a turtle near the sea.

479c02d6 1617 4d32 81ef 70a1eb6a3b337th & 8th Grades: Art

The culmination of their perspective drawing, slant line shading, and black and white value study.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698