In the Classroom 12/9/2016

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B75d6e56-9f61-45c5-acde-315f085265f2First Snow

Students enjoyed playing in our very first snow of the year! Early childhood students built a snowman (and one of them was caught sampling the snowman's nose!) Grades children enjoyed a massive snowball fight. Waldorf children enjoy outdoor play in all seasons, and love every minute of it!

31f1f972 96ae 4913 941b 42cff4d694f5St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas—and his mischievous sidekick Ruprecht—visited students in preschool through third grade on Tuesday, delivering treats of mandarin oranges and chocolate coins wrapped in golden foil. They also read from the Golden Book, detailing each child's success, strengths and strivings.

St. Nicholas was very touched when a first grade boy gave him a drawing he'd made just as St. Nicholas was leaving the room.

Read more about Saint Nicholas.

7c88687b 32c4 49a6 b9e6 d6e06ef828f1Wonder Garden

Our littlest ones, weaving the blanket of Mother Earth.

C13979ff 1f0a 476c 9d89 d6ae22cf1810First Grade

The first graders each painted a cabin in woods—a scene from the story The Wee Christmas Cabin of Carn-na-ween. 

Be63a5ca b92b 4570 88e9 423d7a49fab1Second Grade

"Moonlight floods the whole sky, from horizon to horizon. How much it can fill your room depends on its windows." --Rumi

The drawing shows Rumi and the caged bird.

Ab349f65 636b 4dd0 898b 0b76fa05b4c6Third Grade

During the third grade Old Testament block, the students are learning about the trials and tribulations of the first people on earth. This lesson depicts the story of Isaac and Rebecca, the grandparents of Joseph.

Aa12bc43 e48d 47a3 ad3f 37dacec50390Fourth Grade

Continuing with their zoology block—a glimpse at the octopuses and cuttlefish watercolor paintings, done in conjunction with their study of the animals.

Df846a13 13a4 44ce ae70 5eeb1229a5a1Fifth and Sixth Grades

"Eye of Ra," paintings derived from studies of ancient Egypt.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698