[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="36" gal_title="20161125IntheClassroom"]
Wonder Garden
Sprouting and tending seeds in the Wonder Garden classroom.
Early Childhood
Our kindergarten classrooms enjoy a cup of warm tea to begin the day as we use our hands to warm beeswax to model into treasures. This week the kindergarten classrooms modeled beeswax into food that one would find on the Thanksgiving table.
Apple Blossom Garden
A glimpse at the beeswax table of treasures in Miss Ieva's room.
1st Grade: Spanish
First graders working with numbers in Spanish class with Senora Julian.
2nd Grade: Arithmetic
The second grade is finishing up their first arithmetic block has been busily crafting number houses to practice all their times tables.
2nd Grade: Lantern Paintings
A lantern painting for Martinmas shines a warm light after the previous week's somber autumn mood.
4th Grade: Stars
Fourth graders made stars to decorate their classroom for the Holiday Market.
7th & 8th Grades: Haiku
A few of the haiku that the students created after spending time outside on the school grounds.
7th & 8th Grades: Origami
Origami "Wonder Keepers" that were folded to encase a deep wonder, written by each student.