Early Childhood: Apple Picking and Dragon Fire
Early childhood families went to Royal Oaks Apple Orchard on Monday, October 4. A good time was had by all and many apples were picked. Many apples were also eaten! On Tuesday, early childhood had a bonfire that was referred to as "the dragon." Apples were washed and processed to make applesauce for the three classrooms and to make an apple crisp to send to our friends at the fire department. At the conclusion of our morning play, many buckets of water were filled to completely extinguish and tame the dragon fire!
1st Grade: Fairy Tales
More first grade images from the consonant block.
Rapunzel and the Raven fairy tales give rise to the images of L and V.
1st & 2nd Grades: Beeswax Modeling
First and second grades brought in a harvest of pumpkins and acorns for Mother Nature. Beeswax modeling helps students to develop their inner picturing and fine motor skills. The children went on a hike and collected beautiful items from nature to adorn their seasonal nature table.
2nd Grade: Fables and Parts of Speech
Second graders are learning about the parts of speech in their fables block. We discover all the things an animal's body can do, while comparing with what their own bodies can do. The abstract idea of a verb comes to life as they trot, slither, and hop around the room!
3rd Grade: Oven Project
The third graders get ready for demolition of the outdoor oven, a project completed by Mrs English's third grade class a decade ago. The oven has served students many delicious nibbles over the past ten years, but it is time for a new one. We'll keep you posted on our progress in the coming weeks!
4th Grade: Form Drawing
The fourth graders did an exercise in form drawing—more complex forms that will eventually lead to forms such as Celtic knots. In the first years of grade school, form drawing often serves as a passageway to writing. As the children progress through the grades, form drawing helps build mental capacities through exercises that require mirroring and symmetry. There is also the component of beauty, which is important to the inner work of every child. Once the fourth grade practiced these forms, they painted them and then were invited to add their own creative touch.
5th & 6th Grades: The Human Ladder
During morning movement, the fifth and sixth graders enjoyed a game called "The Human Ladder." It helps the students trust each other and work together, and also improves their balance, strength and agility.
7th & 8th Grades: Field Trip
This week our seventh and eighth graders took a trip to the Lemont Heritage Quarry and the I & M Canal. The visit evoked remembering of mineralogy from last year and prepared students for studying the Lemont lime cycle in chemistry this year.
7th & 8th Grades: Chemistry and Combustion
Man's relationship with chemistry began with the ability to keep fire going, and has developed exponentially ever since, thus we begin our exploration of chemistry with the phenomenon of combustion.
A slideshow of this week's photos:
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