Img 0328Hike Day

Hike Day in Sunflower Garden.

FullsizerenderWonder Garden Glimpses

Miss Kelly providing a bit of TLC to start the day—soul food!

Img 4406 e14771074696231st & 2nd Grades: Extra Lesson

Extra Lesson brings "Wool Winding" to first and second graders. This exercise develops both a sense of left and right, and tension of the yarn.

Img 03211st & 2nd Grades: Farming & Garden

First and second graders planted bulbs around our cherry trees with Mrs. Faden this week.

Img 03272nd Grade: Language Arts

Second Grade is finishing their first Language Arts block this week. It has been a joyful journey through fables, grammar, rhyming couplets, and vocabulary. Crafts time has found us busy collecting treasures of the season and preserving them.

Img 02983rd Grade: Farm Field Trip

The third graders enjoyed a hard working day on the farm this week! During a lesson block on the trades, they learned about many important jobs. This day on the farm gave them a wonderful look at the work of the blacksmith, the carpenter, and the knife grinder. Many thanks to the Howenstein family for hosting us at Pioneer Tree Farm.

Fullsizerender14th Grade: Book Reports

Over the next few weeks, the fourth graders will be creating and presenting their second book reports of the year. Our first reports were based on books set in a different country, and each child made and brought a food to share with the class (from the country where their book took place) and gave a little presentation. This time, the books each have an animal as the main character, and the students will each make a poster telling us about their book. Our first completed project is in the front hall of the school—come check it out!

Each project we do helps the students work towards the larger projects they will have later this year and in the years to come. Different aspects of the larger projects are broken down into smaller parts for them to gain and understanding about how all the parts of something fit into a whole.

Img 03005th & 6th Grades: Sedimentary Rock

This is a peek at the beautiful book work of the 5th & 6th graders this week, as they learned about formation of sedimentary rock.

Img_03297th & 8th Grades: Football

Seventh and eighth graders have been playing football during their morning exercise period this month.

Img_03178th Grade: Vision Quest

Our eighth graders embarked on their Vision Quests October 9-11. This annual coming-of-age activity challenges students physically and mentally. This self-affirming experience gives participants the opportunity to meet challenges and reflect on their skills and abilities.

This year, in addition to building their own shelters, which stood the test of a midnight rain shower, the students learned to start a fire without matches, use a compass, and navigate to a point on a map by themselves and find their way back.

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698