Order Your Yearbook 2017-2018

Order by Date

Orders due by Tuesday, 5/1.  [maxbutton id="28" ] 

Yearbook orders MUST be made by the end of the day on Tuesday, 5/1 in order to be received by the last day of school.
Yearbooks will only be ordered for those who place an order online or in the school office. There will not be extras.
Note: We can place another order for those who miss the 5/1 deadline, however the order will incur a shipping fee and will not arrive by the last day of school.


Glossy softcover, $20 each
Hardcover, $27 each


Payments can be made through Friday, 5/25.
Pay by cash or check. Please make checks out to Da Vinci Waldorf School.
Paypal OK only if you "send to a friend" and use a bank account or paypal balance to pay. (There is no fee to use bank or balance to send to friends and family in the U.S.) Use the email address businessoffice@davinciwaldorf.org.

Yearbook Details

Yearbooks will be 8.5" x 11" and contain approximately 60 pages. Grades and early childhood classes will be included, including full class photos and individual photos. There will be faculty photos and many extras, as well. Stop by the office to see last year's book if you are interested in the quality, size and type of things that will be included.

Bonus: TreeRing.com, the company we use for our yearbooks, will plant a tree for every yearbook ordered. Seventy-nine trees were planted last year because of our school, and 70 the year before!

How to Order

Place a yearbook order immediately, online, here:

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Paper order forms will be available in the office. You also should've received a paper form in your child's take home folder or in your parent mailbox.


Yearbooks are guaranteed to arrive by Thursday, May 31st.

Books will be delivered to grades students on the final day of school—Friday, June 1st. We have an annual tradition of handing them out at snack recess on our last day. The kids love signing each other’s books!

EC parents may pick up books once they arrive. If your child does not attend school on June 1st and books do not arrive early, please consider joining us for 8th grade graduation at 12:00 p.m. and/or our annual end-of-year potluck picnic immediately afterward, and you can pick it up then. All families are welcome!

Thank you! We hope you enjoy this year's walk down memory lane!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698