DVWS & Friends Xscape Adventures - October 5th, 11AM-12PM!

[maxbutton id="34" url="https://davinciwaldorfschool.org/xscaperegistration" ]

Room Details:

Cell Block 4

(A Prison Escape) - CHALLENGING
Maximum: 12

(8 7remaining)

Captain Scurvy

(A Pirate Adventure) - MEDIUM

Maximum: 8

(4 remaining)

Tomb of the Pharaoh

(A Mummy's Tomb) - MEDIUM

Maximum: 8

(1 remaining)

Dragon’s Spire

(A Fantasy King's Throneroom)


Maximum: 10

(10 remaining)

Public Wizarding School

(Potter-esque theme) CHALLENGING

Maximum: 10


Undead Alley

(Zombies - For the least faint of heart!) CHALLENGING

Maximum: 12

(12 remaining)

Xcapeadventures 2

[maxbutton id="34" url="https://davinciwaldorfschool.org/xscaperegistration" ]

Join us afterward at
Chessie’s Restaurant, downtown Barrington
for the Barrington High School Alumni Homecoming Party, featuring NO FILTER!
Saturday, October 5 @ 11:30AM-2:30PM
after the homecoming parade, before the football game

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698