Da Vinci Waldorf School Board of Trustees - New Meeting Schedule

The Da Vinci Waldorf School Board of Trustees is pleased to roll out our new meeting schedule.

Effective immediately, all board meetings will be held at DVWS on the second Thursday of the months listed below, starting at 7:00 p.m.

Meetings will be held during the following months:

  • September (Agenda: Final Budget)
  • *November (Agenda: Tuition Planning)
  • February  (Agenda: Financial Aid Planning)
  • May (Agenda: Preliminary Budget)

*The November 2017-2018 meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 18 at 11:00 a.m.

This new schedule allows DVWS faculty and staff who serve on the board to have more time in the classroom. The new cadence of fewer meetings also brings a greater opportunity to recruit new trustees. Please note: to accommodate board members' personal and professional lives and/or DVWS events schedule, meeting times and dates may change.

As always, our meetings continue to be open to the public. Interested parents, faculty and staff may request to attend a meeting by notifying the board chair, Joe Anderson, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. While the board has an open meeting policy, certain discussions involving confidential information or sensitive subjects may need to be discussed under closed-door session, per best practices for non-profit boards. The board chair may ask guests to leave the room at such times, and may limit the number of guests attending a meeting. Guests may or may not be invited to speak.


Board meetings will be held at dvws on the second thursday of february, may, september and november, starting at 7:00 p. M.
Joe Anderson
President, Da Vinci Waldorf School Board of Trustees

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698