When I’m grown up, grown strong as an oak,
I’ll tame the wild dragon with one mighty stroke.
When I’m grown up, grown big as the world.
I’ll ride forth a hero with my banner unfurled.
Dear Families,
I would like to warmly welcome a new "mighty oak" Vaughn in our class. As well as his mom and dad Morgan and Mark Branson into our community!
What a weather change we had today! Pure autumn with some rain drops and whirling wind. Please make sure your children have proper outdoor gear.
For the last week and a half we have been starting our day with a little walk through the prairie (you can see some photos in our schools news letter). It is quite magical, especially when sun is shining.
Today we painted with wet-on-wet watercolor exploring the colors yellow and red and we're going through the process of how we will paint and care for our materials. I hope to give you a chance to watercolor paint at our next class meeting. (The date is not set yet, but will soon be :))
We have had some changes in our snack schedule, adding some lentils and sauerkraut. Please enjoy the attachment with the most recent snack and activity update.
For the next couple weeks I will continue to work with “Mighty Oaks” on tying bows and encourage this work at home, as well as finger knitting.
Please enjoy some of autumn activity ideas:
- Collect Leaves! We are at the beginning of the height of colors for the autumn season, so please get outside, take a hike, and enjoy time in nature and the changing of the trees. If you find small/medium size leaves about the size of your palm, please collect, press in a book (put heavy books on top), and use later to decorate your table.
- Carve a pumpkin and/or bake one to make into pumpkin pie, muffins, or whatever you desire. Be sure to bake the seeds.
- Relax and enjoy each other’s company ~ play a game, read a book together, rake leaves and jump in them, sit around a fire.