WWI Program - Tomorrow 11/11 @ 1PM - Wauconda Historical Society

WWI PROGRAM ~ Sunday, Nov. 11, 1 pm. Andrew Cook House, 711 N. Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois

November 11th marks the 100 year anniversary that the Great War ended.  The Wauconda Historical Society is having a special program commemorating the event through posters, displays, music and more.

Join us as we learn how the Wilson Administration commissioned artists to produce propaganda posters that would "sell" the war to the American public. Bob Frenz from McHenry County Museum will share some of his original WWI posters to tell the story of the "Art of War". Also featured will be Ron Vaughan playing WWI era music. The music during this time was very much influenced by the public mood and current events. See our WWI artifacts and Wauconda area facts in our Community Room. Plus, sample a WWI cake! $5 suggested donation.

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Wauconda Township Historical Society


Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698