A Walk Through the Waldorf Curriculum
Waldorf educator and mentor Chris Kelly will be joining us on Wednesday, November 14th for a Waldorf Education Evening. This adults-only event will bring a more in-depth understanding of Waldorf education to anyone who is interested in learning more.
Please RSVP here, especially if you need childcare.
The fullness of Waldorf education begins with the baby steps made in Parent-Child classes and continues onward through the leaps made by eighth graders. These steps and those in between are reflected in the Waldorf curriculum which mirrors child development. The curriculum supports and leads students through each phase—in their physical needs such as warmth and rhythm in the early childhood, to their quest to understand the world around them in the middle grades in the science curriculum, to their search for meaning and understanding through history in the 8th grade. Join other parents from all levels of the school to listen to and join in discussion with our guest speaker—Chris Kelly. Our school is working with her this year as a professional development consultant to support and advise teachers and staff.
Chris has been teaching all ages for forty-five years. She has taught motivation to adults, reading to children, fiction writing, and has served as editor for a small international magazine. She has been a Waldorf class teacher and most recently focuses on teacher education, professional and human development, child studies, and community building within Waldorf independent and charter schools, public schools, intentional communities, civic and church organizations, homeless shelters, and prisons. Her graduate studies were in linguistics, humanities, and education. She received her Waldorf certification from Antioch University New England. Thanks to her five children, she has experienced fifty-five Waldorf parent years. She lives in Santa Fe with her husband and their last high school senior. This year she has resumed professional mentoring and development practice and will begin researching a book about community-building in an igneous world.