Lantern Walk - The Celebration of St. Martin - Early Childhood & Grades

The Grades Lantern Walk will be on Friday, November 9, 5-6:30PM


  • Our Grades Lantern Walk will be at
    Lakewood Forest Preserve – Winter Park
    24069 West Ivanhoe
    Wauconda IL 60084
  • There will be plenty of parking.
  • Grades parents should pick up their children at the normal time of 3:30PM and meet at the park at 5PM.
  • After the lantern walk, there will be light refreshments.


In order to protect Mother Earth, we request that families please bring reusable cups for our apple cider refreshment. We will not have disposable cups available for this event. Thank you!

The Early Childhood Lantern Walk will be on Saturday, November 10, 5-8PM Correction: 5-6:30PM

The Early Childhood Lantern Walk will be held on school grounds.

The Celebration of St. Martin

In early November, our Lantern Walk affirms symbolically that light can continue to shine even as the light and warmth of the sun are waning. Now light and warmth come more from our homes, and from the fellowship of friends and family. Carrying a light into the darkness in the company of others – as we do during the Lantern Walk – can be reassuring. American Waldorf schools have adopted the Lantern Walk tradition from its European heritage.

The walk is celebrated around the time of Martinmas (November 11). From France comes the legend of St. Martin, a man who was known as the patron saint of beggars, drunkards, and outcasts. The gentle Martin was able to see the divine nature in all human beings. According to legend, St. Martin passed under an archway in the city of Amiens and discovered a poor beggar, shivering and nearly naked. The young Martin took his own cape, tore it in half and covered the man to warm him. That night Martin had a dream in which he saw Christ wearing this same piece of cape. The experience confirmed in him his devotion to all mankind regardless of their station in life. A gentle and unassuming man, he brought light and warmth to all those whose lives he touched, hence his association with the lantern.

The spirit of St. Martin is honored with a lantern walk in a reverent mood. This is the time of year when we carry our light and warmth into the darker days of winter and bring this light and warmth to others.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698