Calendar of the Soul

Calendar of the Soul

Thirty-first Week

October 28 - November 3, 2018

The light from spirit depths
Strives to ray outwards, sun-imbued;
Transformed to forceful will of life
It shines into the senses' dullness
To bring to birth the powers
Whereby creative forces, soul-impelled,
Shall ripen into human deeds.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

Das Licht aus Geistestiefen,
Nach aussen strebt es sonnenhaft:
Es wird zur Lebenswillenskraft
Und leuchtet in der Sinne Dumpfheit,
Um Kräfte zu entbinden,
Die Schaffensmächte aus Seelentrieben
Im Menschenwerke reifen lassen.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698