Sunflower Garden - In the Classroom 11/8/2019

What a sweet welcome back the children had during the first week of school, filled with warm hugs, hearty laughs and many helpful hands.

The fairies love our school yard as they always have gardens and homes lovingly, imaginatively, and thoughtfully created.

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End of the day hug. ❤️

Our tree house is the best place on earth!

Our castle, just like about everyone else’s, has its rules. Today Purly the Gnome, who usually naps when the children are playing, came down to us and said that from now on there can be four children in the tree house at a time instead of three. This evoked a wave of gratitude and multiple cards were lovingly created and addressed to Purly.

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Part of our weekly Wednesday rhythm is grinding rye berries into flour to make bread on Thursday.

A little tea party at the end of the day.

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So much to do and learn!

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698