Apple Blossom Garden - In the Classroom 2/16/2020

Apple Blossom Garden

We explore nature at all times of the day. Inside, we do it oftentimes with song and story and craft. Outside, we observe and interact. Closely examined, a pine needle cluster shows shades and shades of green from dark to light. Even as King Winter sets his hand across the woods, we find curled worms. The children exclaimed with delight about the worm and rushed around it.

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Apple Blossom Garden - Snow Play

King Winter treated our Apple Blossom Garden students to mountains of snow and ice. These mounds became castles and slides and precipices to leap from. Endless fun and excitement!

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Apple Blossom Garden

Some of the boys from Apple Blossom Garden has fun “driving” together on their fantasy bus ride.

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Apple Blossom Garden

Under bright Father Sun, the children loved sliding down the ice-glazed snow hill. Some dug up chunks for snacking while others packed up slides to change the ride down. The children come inside rosy cheeked and ready for our morning circle after their vigorous outdoor play.

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698