PTO Meeting

The next PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) meeting will be held this Friday, September 20th from 2:15-3:15PM. Please meet outside of the middle school campus.

We will have the opportunity to spend 30 minutes with Ms. Mirja Lorenz and the 7th/8th grade classes! Ms. Lorenz was born and raised in Germany, and learned her first melodies on the recorder when she was about 5 years old. She has performed in concerts in Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Chicago. After making music with the class, we will discuss Fall Fest (9/28) with the Festival Committee!

We are tentatively planning to meet on 10/18 (2:15-3:15PM) and 11/18 (8:30-9:30AM). If you haven't taken the PTO Meeting Time Survey, you can do so here.

See Ms. Lorenz's note below:

I am excited to invite you, the parents of any grade, to join 7th and 8th grade for about 30 minutes to experience a middle school music class. Don't worry parents, I will do something that everybody can do, and I will not ask you to play the recorder.

Instead, we will warm up with some fun body percussion, and then I will guide you into singing an easy song.

I hope to see many of you there!

Ms. Lorenz

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698