Mothering Circle: Registration Open!

11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22: $15/SESSION

We warmly welcome expecting and new mothers with babies up through 6 months of age to join us for some tender care and nurturing support.

During this four week offering, we will come together to share ideas, thoughts and feelings on topics significant to new and expecting mothers. Through our hands we will discover how to meet infants well.

Our hearts will be enlivened by food, song, meditation and companionship. Our deepest striving will be to foster supportive relationships among mothers in the group. 

Each week, we will

– Enjoy tea and a replenishing snack
– Sing together
– Meet babies with lap games and infant massage
– Delve into topics including: birth, feeding, home-life balance, maternal and infant care
– And end with a brief meditation


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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698