Mid Atlantic (Barry & Miriam Swann + Dan Bejnarowicz) - Upcoming Shows

Upcoming shows: 

March 13 - Big Iron Horse Barbeque/Bourbon Bar Chicago 8:30-11:30 pm

May 2 - Bliss Wine and Gifts, Wauconda 6:30-9:30 pm

May 20 - Main Street Outfitter, Wauconda 8-11 pm

We will be making a festival appearance - stay tuned for information!

Mid Atlantic were interviewed by the place we're playing on Saturday night. 🙂

Hope to see you soon!!  Without you, we would not be doing what we love so much.
Miriam, Barry and Dan

or our website: midatlanticband.net

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698