Learn to Needle Felt a Lamb with Claudia Marie Lenart of Claudia Marie Felt
Saturday, March 14, 12:30 - 4PM
Event Canceled.
Claudia Lenart, an internationally known needle-felt artist and Da Vinci Waldorf School alumni parent, will hold a needle felting workshop at the school! Discounted pricing for DVWS families. Please register in advance.
Please register early so Claudia can prepare materials and supplies.
Participants must register and pay in advance.
or Contact Claudia with questions: claudiamariefelt@gmail.com
Claudia created the gorgeous seasonal wool paintings that hang in our Early Childhood hallway. You can see more of her works here: Claudia Marie Felt Etsy Store
This workshop is appropriate for beginners. Special discounted pricing for Da Vinci community is $40 (normally $50) and includes wool, felting foam, and needles. A percentage of profit will go to the school.