
Martinmas commemorates the spirit of St. Martin of France, a man who was known as the patron saint of beggars, drunkards, and outcasts. The gentle Martin was able to see the divine nature in all human beings. According to legend, St. Martin passed under an archway in the city of Amiens and discovered a poor beggar, shivering and nearly naked. The young Martin took his own cape, tore it in half and covered the man to warm him. That night Martin had a dream in which he saw Christ wearing this same piece of cape. The experience confirmed in him his devotion to all mankind regardless of their station in life. Martin became known for his ability to bring warmth and light to those who were previously in darkness. The spirit of St. Martin is honored with a lantern walk in a reverent mood. This is the time of year when we carry our light and warmth into the darker days of winter and bring this light and warmth to others! We will be celebrating with a Lantern Walk for Grades 1-3, and an Early Childhood Lantern Walk around the campfire.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698