February 1st: Giving Circle Collaborative Gift-Sharing Event - Join & RSVP by 1/29

Saturday, February 1st

Giving Circle Collaborative Gift-Sharing Event

Our 5th Annual Giving Circle event will be on Saturday, February 1st.

Giving Circle Members who have joined (by making a gift to DVWS of any amount):

[maxbutton id="22" url="https://davinciwaldorfschool.org/2020/01/16/gcrsvp/" text="Please RSVP Here by Wed., 1/29!" ]


Every member in attendance (or who has designated a proxy to vote on their behalf) will have an equal vote, no matter the size of their gift.

Giving Circle Members will meet at The Relationship Center in downtown Wauconda on February 1, 3-5PM to decide how to best use the Giving Circle fund. Individual invitations have been sent to those who have joined so far.

Learn More & Join Today to lend your voice to the future of Da Vinci Waldorf School! Be79fac1 b8f6 4bd9 92e4 5d7d3e8fd7fb

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698