DVWS Giving Circle - Updates & Thanks

KicksoffThe DVWS Giving Circle has brought many things to life for our school and for our students! The Giving Circle event reflects the heart and soul of our community in a direct and tangible way.  Thank you, again, to everyone who participated in the past, and a warm welcome to those who join us for this year's Giving Circle.

What is the Giving Circle?

The DVWS Giving Circle is an opportunity. Via the Giving Circle, all members of the school community are invited to invest your values and lend your voice directly to the future direction of Da Vinci Waldorf School. Project ideas, funds, and decision-making all come directly from those who wish to participate. In short, the Giving Circle is a unique way for you to give charitable, tax-deductible dollars and have a say in how they are spent. Learn more about the process.

Do you know which projects are a direct result of the Giving Circle? Keep reading!

Arrowtiny Giving Circle 2016-2017 brought us the following ten projects:
Givingcircle10f2 #1 Book Fund
New classroom library books, sets of class readers, and textbook/workbook acquisition and replacement.

Status: Teachers and students have enjoyed the benefits of the book fund. Classroom libraries have been updated, and teacher resources have been replenished.
Givingcircle10f2 #2 Stackable Washer and Dryer
A stackable washer and dryer for the school’s utility room, in order to give EC parents a break from washing napkins and towels, to keep snow gear and clothing dry and warm, and for general use.

Status: The stackable washer and dryer was purchased and installed almost immediately after last year's Giving Circle event, and has been put to good use ever since, making the job of keeping things nice and tidy much easier!
Givingcircle10f2 #3 Eurythmy Block
A three-week block of Eurythmy for all students during the 2017-2018 school year.

Status: The search for a Eurythmy teacher to provide our block this year is underway, and we hope to schedule it in the new year.
Givingcircle10f2 #4 School Expansion Exploratory Fund
Initial stages of discovery for expansion of the school.

Status: The exploratory fund is in our sights and options are being considered, but we are waiting to spend this money wisely.
Givingcircle10f2 #5 Part-Time Swing Grade School Teacher
A part-time assistant teacher for specific periods, teacher prep work, and for substitute teaching.

Status: Our subject teachers are filling in, and grades teachers are thrilled and grateful for the extra support.
Givingcircle10f2 #6 St. Nicholas and Ruprecht Costumes
A set of costumes for our annual St. Nicholas Day celebration, created by Elizabeth English.

Status: Materials have been purchased, and construction is underway for these costumes, which will be ready for next year's St. Nicholas Day.
Givingcircle10f2 #7 Subsidized Instrument Rental and Lessons
String instruments for the school to rent to families in need at a subsidized rate, as well as the subsidy of instrument lessons for families in need.

Status: The school is ordering two violins and a viola for assisting with the cost of instrument rental for those who need it. A few families have inquired about subsidized lessons and will soon benefit from this fund. If you are in need of either of these types of assistance, please let us know.
Givingcircle10f2 #8 Teacher Development
Funds to lessen the amount of out-of-pocket cost associated with yearly teacher training and travel.

Status: The generous support allowed teachers and staff to attend numerous summer conferences and training weeks which prepared them to meet the children with fresh insight, resources, and a renewed enthusiasm for Waldorf education.

Givingcircle10f2 #9 Teacher Mentoring
Professional, experienced mentors for on-site visits to guide and assist our teachers.

Status: Funds for teacher mentoring are being well-used to mentor our newest teachers.
Givingcircle10f2 #10 Practical Arts Programming, Tools and Materials
Tools and materials to support handwork and other practical arts classes, such as leather work, weaving, woodworking, yarn dyeing, and stone carving.

Status: Our practical arts teachers are narrowing their options, searching for the best deals, and will make decisions and purchase equipment over Christmas break. They are eager to begin using the equipment for projects in the new year.
Arrowtiny Giving Circle 2015-2016 brought us the following six projects:
Givingcircle10f2 #1 Greenhouse
The greenhouse enabled our Farm and Garden program to expand by extending the growing season by several weeks in the fall and spring.
Givingcircle10f2 #2 Eurythmy Block
A 3-week block of Eurythmy was brought to all grades students during the 2016-2017 school year.
Givingcircle10f2 #3 Teacher Mentoring
Professional, experienced mentors visited DVWS for on-site visits to guide and assist our teachers.
Givingcircle10f2 #4 Teacher Development
Funds lessened the amount of out-of-pocket expense associated with yearly teacher training and travel.
Givingcircle10f2 #5 Edible Landscape
The Edible Landscape project is a long-term plan that will include the planting of apple and pear trees, berry bushes, and more. This project is on hold, with funds reserved, until we explore options for school expansion.
Givingcircle10f2 #6 Farm & Garden Service Program
We upgraded the kitchen area and installed a new teaching island, including new cabinets, countertops, and a hood just outside the kitchen area. These are used in our Farm and Garden program, to serve hot lunch, and for many other uses, including chemistry experiments, hands-on cooking experiences, our science fair, and for improved food service at our events.

The Giving Circle allows us to see first-hand the power of coming together with shared values, shared goals, like minds, and a spirit of collaboration. The best part is knowing that the children of DVWS benefit directly and immediately from the expanded programs, opportunities and experiences that the Giving Circle brings.

Mark your calendars for this year's initiative, and spend some time thinking about what you would like to see come to life in our school. This year's endeavor rolls out on Giving Tuesday—November 28th!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698