The moment Early Childhood children walk into school in the morning they begin to know if there is a birthday by the smell of popcorn wafting through the air. They may peak into their classroom to confirm it and if they see rainbow silk adorning the table they know for sure! Today we will celebrate a friend’s birth day.

While the children play outside, the birthday child helps Ms. Anna or Ms. Rachel mix and stir the special star cake that will be the birthday snack before going out to play. While the cake is baking, the children play a special birthday circle game called “Cling Clang Gloria” where a knight must break the stones away to free a friend trapped in a tower. Special crowns and a wooden sword make the game even more fun.
The children then draw a picture for their birthday friend and get to use the special silver and gold crayons along with our everyday crayons. The teachers help dictate a birthday message on the back of their picture.

The children delight in preparing the classroom for our special guests making sure all of the toys are put away, so the room is sparkling clean, and the table is set with special birthday placemats and napkins. The chairs are prepared in a ring around the rug with a rainbow bridge in the center. The children decorate the rainbow bridge with the birthday child’s favorite toys as well.
When the family arrives the birthday child may show them where to sit after the excitement of sharing this special day together calms down. We remind the children of our birthday manners by putting on our present birthday cape, crown, gloves, rings on each finger and golden slippers so we can sit so quietly for the story. Then, the door opens, and the teacher sings a special song as they walk the birthday child in their golden cape and crown around the ring with their angel friend following behind.
The children take a moment to put their birthday wishes into the birthday candle before the story begins. Each birthday story is unique to the child and their family and parents help fill in special details to teachers ahead of time. At the end of the story the child crosses the rainbow bridge to their family.
Then, we all gather at the table to continue the story, as parents share what their child was like at 1 year old, 2 years old, and so on, lighting a candle for each year until we arrive at their current age, and then we sing happy birthday. The children help to serve the snack, and we all wait until everyone has been served and the room grows quiet, bon appetite now you may eat!