School Status
- Under guidance of the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health we are busy preparing for a return to school this fall for the 2020-2021 academic year.
- The re-enrollment deadline has passed for returning students.
- Most classes are full to capacity. Please contact us if you are interested in being placed on one of our wait lists.
Video: COVID-19 Safety Procedures & Protocols
We compiled a video to help you understand our safety protocols and procedures and help you support your children in establishing new habits. Please do not watch these with your child(ren).
Orientation Week
August 31-September 4
Each class will attend one day during orientation week. The first full week of school for all students is Tuesday, September 8th.
Monday, August 31
- Grades 4-5 - Room 11 - Enter at the Shady Grove Door.
Tuesday, September 1
- Grade 1 - Room 14 - Enter at the Red Room Door.
- Grades 6-8 - Room 12 - Enter at the Grades Door.
- Rose Ceremony to welcome the first graders will begin after drop-off. Parents of first and eighth graders are invited.
Wednesday, September 2
- Grades 2-3 - Room 4 - Enter through the Front Door.
Thursday, September 3
- Wonder Garden - Outdoor Classroom - Meet by the Stone Circle.
Friday, September 4
- Apple Blossom Garden - Outdoor Classroom - Meet by the SW Fire Pit.
Entrance/Drop-off Locations Map
Where should your child enter or arrive for school?
Classroom Locations Map
Where is your child's class within the building?
New Parent Orientation (Recap)
Video recording of the meeting
PDF of Slide Presentation
Back to School Plan
as of 7/20/2020: Returning to School/ Plans for the Fall
In the next week or so we anticipate additional information from the State of Illinois, ISBE and IDPH and will follow-up on any new relevant changes.
5 days/week in person instruction for Grades 1-8 (8:30AM-3:30PM)
Choice of 2-5 days/week preschool
5-day kindergarten
Half day preschool/kindergarten 8:30AM-12:30PM
Full day preschool/kindergarten 8:30AM-3:30PM
Before School Care beginning at 7:30AM
After School Care until as late as 6:00PM
Parent-Child sessions
Outdoor preschool programs
- Following ISBE guidelines with mask-free outdoor programming
Adherence to guidelines for face coverings and physical distancing
Zoom Meetings - Recordings
If you were unable to attend the recent meetings, you can view the recordings below.
7/20/2020 All-School Meeting: Returning To School Guidelines & Protocols
7/14/2020 Meeting for Grades Parents Password: 7Z!rU7QY
Note: This recording will be available until 8/5.
These videos are not public—only those who have the links can access them.
COVID-19 Portal Archive
Visit our COVID-19 Resources Archive