Category farm & garden
6th Grade - Constructive Destruction
During Farm & Garden this week, the 6th graders put their energy into tearing down our old compost area in order to make room for the new 3-tier compost system that we will soon build. They had a lot of…
4th & 5th Grades - Final Harvest
The 4th & 5th graders helped with the last of the harvest this week, picking eggplants, radishes & carrots. In case you're wondering, our Asian eggplants are supposed to be green and they tend to grow smaller at the end…
4th & 5th Grades - Planting an Apple Tree
One of our apple trees was mysteriously destroyed, so our 4th & 5th graders replaced it during their Farm & Garden classes this week.
Wonder Garden - Wonder Gardening
Wonder garden helping with final harvest and getting the inside garden ready.
6th, 7th & 8th Grades - Harvest Time
Harvest time for our 6th, 7th and 8th graders in our Farm & Garden program.
Seeking Paint for Farm & Garden Class
The Farm & Garden class is looking for unused, fresh outdoor paint and paint brushes—all colors are welcome! Please contact Mrs. Tuly Faden email or at 847-721-1827. Thank you! Thank you for the donations of wooden pallets—we now have enough!
1st Grade - Farming
This week's First Grade class, harvesting potatoes and putting some fresh straw in the chicken coop.
Wonder Garden - Harvesting Tomatoes
Wonder Gardeners picking fresh tomatoes for lunch.