1st Grade - In the Classroom 12/7/2019

1st Grade Nature Block

Jack Frost was very kind to first grade during our nature block. We were able to plant flower seeds, collect acorn tops for crafting, and twigs, leaves and hay to build a squirrel drey.

The children were very excited to learn the ways of the clever, little squirrel.

We learned that many beautiful birds don’t fly south for the winter season and how much color and beauty they bring to our winter landscape.

The children heard a Native American story about how the Cardinal got his vibrant red feathers.

We also took a closer look at our school’s composting system and gave thanks to Mother Earth for the bountiful gifts that we receive from her.

“Every Day is Thanksgiving ”—Cherokee
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With tremendous excitement the children welcomed chickadees, a large woodpecker, and the one and only "whisky frisky!"
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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698