4th & 5th Grades - Studies of Ancient India

The 4th and 5th grades enjoyed a special visit from the mom and grandma of one of our fifth graders. The fifth grade class is currently in their Ancient India block and have tried their hands at drawing rangoli(Hindi) or kolams(Tamil), or muggu(Telugu) with colored pencils. Ms. Kuchipuddi and Grandma arrived to show the students the traditional way of forming rangoli using rice powder, flour, and chalk, with turmeric and kumkum for natural coloring. Grandma's form focused on one method—connecting the dots or lines—to make a beautiful chariot to carry Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva across the heavens. Ms. Kuchipuddi's method required her steady hands to travel around the dots, with the end result forming a beautiful and fanciful geometric flower form. The students and I were amazed by the grace, speed,  and beauty in which these free-hand works of art were created. Many special thanks and a thousand blessings on Ms. Kuchipuddi and Grandma for sharing their time and talents with us!20181016 091615 e153997650595520181016 085759 20181016 084801 e1539976394107 20181016 085735 e1539976425153 20181016 084824 e1539976465767

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698