As we approach the start of our school year, we begin to think of outdoor gear our children will need to properly endure the cold weather that will soon be upon us. Many families have found Oaki gear to hold up well to the elements of all four seasons here in Illinois, and to be long-lasting. This is especially valuable for our children where much of the days are spent outdoors and donning the appropriate warming layers can impact safety, participation in class activities and allow children to freely take in the wonders of nature (especially in Early Childhood!). Swarna Chandrakant (Anand & Arjun's mother) has graciously offered to help with Oaki's School Partnership Program.
Oaki offers a School Partnership Program for participating outdoor schools with wholesale pricing. Many of our families took advantage of the greatly discounted prices last year, but we are hoping to capture more families this year and spread the savings. Items purchased through the wholesale order, as noted below, are 50-60% off regular sale prices. Here is the pricing of some of the most popular items. A full price list can be found on this form.
One Piece Rain Suits 12M-10/11: $34
One Piece Snow Suits: $65
Rain Pants $18
Neoprene Rain/Snow Boots $25
Shell/Core Rain Jackets $24
Loop Handle Rubber Rain Boots: $13
We are hoping to place our first wholesale order by September 15th this year with a plan to place a second wholesale order once winter gear/boots are restocked, near Thanksgiving. For those who miss the wholesale order deadline(s) or just wish to order items separately, we also received a discount code especially for our students, which will take 25% off regular prices: davinciwaldorf.
When you are compiling a list of items for the wholesale order, kindly visit and confirm the size/color of your choice is in stock and then note down item name, size and color in your e-mail order list. Once your order arrives, you will receive an email from Swarna Chandrakant with your total including shipping which is 10% of the order amount (for example $5 shipping for a $50 order). Email to obtain Shwarna's email.