Welcome to a new school year!

Dear Families and Friends,

In just over a week DVWS will open its doors to welcome your children. How exciting it will be to see new students and to see how others have grown!

The first day of school is September 4th. Early childhood (pre-k and kindergarten) arrive at 9:15 through the main door with a parent or caregiver. Doors open at 8:20 for students in the grades. Please use the circle drive for drop off and have students enter through the west door. Please join us for the Rose Ceremony at 8:45 which tenderly welcomes the first graders on their journey through the grades. The day ends with an annual Potluck Picnic at 12:30. Please see the Weekly News to find out what to bring. If you are unable to attend the picnic, please pick up your student(s) at 12:15.

Dates to Note:

  • First Day of School, Tuesday, September 4.
  • Rose Ceremony, Tuesday, September 4, 8:45 a.m.
  • New Parent Reception, Tuesday, September 4, 9:15 a.m.
  • Potluck Picnic, Tuesday, September 4, 12:30 p.m.
  • Picture Day, Wednesday, September 12
  • Grades Back-to School Night, Wednesday, September 12, 7 p.m.
  • Apple Blossom Garden Class Meeting, September, 24, 7 p.m.
  • Sunflower Garden Class Meeting, September, 24, 7 p.m.
  • Wonder Garden Class Meeting, September 25, 7 p.m.

Thank you all who attended the All-School Meeting in early August. It was an invigorating and informative evening. I am grateful for the participation and community-building efforts. If you weren’t able to attend, please put the next one on the calendar: Nov. 1, 7 p.m.

Please welcome our new Early Childhood teachers:

Sarah Canga will work alongside Ieva Scoggin in the Apple Blossom Garden
Jennifer Champion has moved from assisting to lead Wonder Garden Teacher

Returning this year to the Early Childhood:

Ieva Scoggin, Apple Blossom Garden lead
Dina Fasman, Sunflower Garden lead
Sweta Jaganath, Sunflower Garden assistant
Tuly Faden, Wonder Garden assistant

All of the Grades Teaching Staff are returning:

Chris Ecklund, First Grade
Kristine Fiskum, Second and Third Grades
Sarah Westlund, Fourth and Fifth Grades
Sarah Du Rocher, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades
Lauren Moretti, Mandarin
Nicole Griffith, Handwork
Elizabeth English, Music and Orchestra, and Morning Lesson Blocks
Tuly Faden, Movement & Games and Farming & Gardening

Our Administrative Staff are all familiar faces:

Christine Grafft, Administrator
Reegan Melcher, Administrative Assistant and Enrollment Coordinator
Anita Zagraniczny, Finance Manager
Elisa Kraus, Marketing and Communications
Tony VerPlancke, Buildings and Grounds Manager

Thank you for choosing Da Vinci Waldorf School for your children’s education. Your part in our community is valued and intrinsic to the school. We’re looking forward to a fantastic year of learning, growth, and benefits of working together.

In partnership,
Kristine Fiskum
Faculty Chairperson

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698