Welcome Back to School Pot Luck on Saturday

Just a reminder to all our currently enrolled parents to join us at the Pot Luck on Saturday, September 11th. The event will run from noon to 3pm and will give us all a chance to mingle with old and new friends while the children can enjoy free play on the playground. Everyone please bring a dish to share, based on the first letter of their last name: A-F Drinks, G-L Main Courses, M-R Sides/Salads, S-Z Desserts. We hope to see you there!

Please note - in the event of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. If you are unsure on the weather forecast, please call the school (847-526-1372) after 11 am, when a decision will be made.

UPDATE: as of 11 am Saturday, the potluck picnic IS still going to be happening!  Please join us for some food, fun and conversation!

Zach Mitchell
Zach Mitchell
Articles: 98