The Big Ugly Book Drive is Seeking a Champion

The future of the Big Ugly Book Drive is uncertain.

Shari Gullo, who has been leading the effort in our area, is facing health challenges that make it difficult to take on every step of the process. She's seeking a dedicated individual to lead day-to-day efforts. She hopes someone will be moved to take up the cause alongside her.

Learn more about the Big Ugly Book Drive here.

If you are interested in learning more, you can get in touch with Shari directly by email here or inquire at the school office for her phone number.

A word from Shari:

Books were so important to me growing up.  My mom said my favorite toy was books. I can't imagine growing up without them.  My father took me to our tiny village library once a week when I was growing up.  I looked forward to it.  Getting books to the children in West Virginia is a passion for me.  I have been to the "hollers" around Big Ugly and I have seen the living conditions. My heart breaks for the kids there.  Giving them books not only helps them, but more importantly shows them that someone cares.
Thanks again for all your support.



Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698