Thank You to Our Many Helpers and Contributors!

Many thanks to everyone who so graciously helped clean, fix, and improve our building and grounds this summer!

Helpers include but were not limited to Joe and Pam Anderson, the Ecklunds, the Grays, the Marks, the Myrens, Cummings, Bantners, Fetters, Joneses, Juliette Keith, the Palacio-Ramirez family, the Henderson-Alba family, Elizabeth English, Kristine Fiskum, Tuly Faden, Nicole Griffith, and Marianne Fieber. Any omissions are purely accidental and only mean that you weren't captured in a photograph.

Each and every volunteer went above and beyond, lending their elbow grease and time to making our school sparkle!

Thank, you thank, you thank you from everyone at Da Vinci Waldorf School!

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698