It’s sprinkling. It’s sprinkling.
It’s raining. It’s raining.
It’s pouring! It’s pouring!
It’s hailing! It’s hailing!
It’s thundering. It’s thundering!
It’s lightning. It’s lightning.
And then the sun comes out. Again the sun comes out!
Dear Sunflower Garden Families,
This week we finished working on special gifts for the special moms in our lives. These will be sent home next week! Be sure to pick yours up on your child’s last day of the week if not before.
Polly has joined our classroom. She will be a polythemus moth (giant silk moth), but she is currently in a cocoon that I found several weeks ago while on a very early spring hike. She is being held snug and safe in a butterfly house in our classroom until she emerges. It will be a wonder to watch and wait and witness her freedom one day!
Our circle is imaginations and songs/verses of spring. A favorite song/game we play in circle is called “In and out the Bonnie Bluebells.” The children wind in and out of our enclosed circle with held hands lifted high to let spring in the windows.
In story, I’ve concluded telling the Grimm’s tale “Frog King,” but the children have asked for extra puppets I have in the room to put on their own puppet show of this story during play time. Wonderful to see!
I’ve been meeting with my age 6 Mighty Oaks to begin work on their puppets. The story of each puppet will unfold as we ensoul it and bring it to life through the children’s hands. From the stories we share and my time with the children that I reflect on, I shall write a puppet show unique to this group of children. This focused work is a wonderful way to connect with the children and call them to task at a time when the children would fly away into spring and be lost if not for our rhythm, work to do, and challenges. Please continue to help me hold them. Spring is taking hold!
May Faire is upon us! Please see links below and find your way to help!
EC Food Prep:
Community signup link:
Kind regards,
Donna Brooks