"The earth is firm beneath my feet,
the sun shines bright above;
And here stand I so straight and strong,
all things to know and love.

Kind hearts are gardens>
Kind thoughts are roots
Kind words are flowers
Kind deeds are fruits"

What a sweet class of children! They have made a very good start to our school year. Thank-you all so much for your patience with misplaced jackets (we found them both!), helping us get used to picking up children from the bus, bringing food for our bounteous school picnic, and for all your parental care and guidance this past week!

The children are getting to know a new classroom, and are falling easily into new and old routines. They are also getting to know new classmates, and greeting old classmates anew. I can see the beginnings of some firm friendships as the children feel what they share in common, and what excites them about each other. They are wonderful story-listeners, and such quick, agile and musical circle-time learners!

Our circle time imagination has been a story of Honey-bee, who visits three very different flowers, and tells each one a secret -- which fruit each will become, with help from the bee, and the sun's magic power.

"Inside the hive a treasure is made
Inside the honeycomb, honey is laid.
Inside the hive it is dark as night
Where bees make honey
From sun's golden light."

The children are playing with great verve and enthusiasm, both indoors and out. We had our first beeswax modeling and woodworking days, and this coming week we will begin painting, baking, and more... They seem to be enjoying their snacks (I only heard one "I don't like it"!), and our transition times are very smooth considering it's our first week.

Elizabeth Kelly

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698