St. Nicholas Day, a special experience for early childhood through third grade students, will be held on Wednesday, December 6th.
St. Nicholas Day—an in-school celebration of divine wisdom & love.
St. Nicholas of Patara was a third century Bishop of Myra (near the present day village of Demre in Asia Minor). He left anonymous offerings to the poor. Money and food was left in their shoes or stockings. In countries like Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and Holland, St. Nicholas Day is also called Children’s Day and is considered just as important as Christmas day. It is a holiday that honors the spirit of giving in a gentle, magical way. As a traditional story of St. Nicholas concludes, “The earth is wide and great. There, where Saint Nicholas cannot go himself, he needs helpers all over the world to help spread his goodness.”
St. Nicholas and his sidekick Ruprecht will visit children in preschool through third grade this year. St. Nicholas represents one’s “higher self” to the children, as he embodies goodness, understanding, and wisdom. St. Nicholas carries a golden book into which deeds both good and bad are recorded. At our school, the teachers will assist St. Nicholas in sharing the strivings and successes of our children to be included in the “Golden Book” from which he’ll read. Ruprecht is quite contrary and mischievous and will assist St. Nicholas that day. Many of the children will have heard the story of St. Nicholas in their classrooms, but let’s leave his visit a special surprise for them!
Nicholas, Saint Nicholas, come to us today!
Ride upon your white horse from far, far away.
Bring us golden treasures! Fill our hearts with love!