Sacred Nights of Winter Journal

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Gathering guidance from the wisdom traditions of Esoteric/Cosmic Christology, Indigenous Wisdom, Anthroposophy (wisdom of the human being), Astrosophy (wisdom of the stars), Mythology, the wisdom of Mother Nature and the Sacred Feminine, I’ve designed this journal to bring you comfort, as well as practical tools to support your journey through the coming year.

Many practices this time of year are centered around planning the course of the new year with new resolves. While this is important, if planning is all we focus on, it leaves out other critical elements that are essential for our life’s healthy unfolding.

We need new practices that honor the wisdom of the human soul.

The Sacred Nights of Winter journal works not only to consider your vision for the new year, but also to bring you personalized guidance and inner clarity.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698