Report, Prize Winners & Photos: Pancakes & Pajamas

Thank you to all who attended the first Pancake and Pajamas Breakfast. It was a rousing success, with over 100 people coming through the door. We saw many smiling faces, piled-up plates, and chocolate mustaches. We could not be more excited for the next breakfast. Please look out for a formal announcement with details and date/time for the next breakfast in January.

Some housekeeping:

A huge thank you to all who helped. We could not have put on such a wonderful event without the hard work of so many members of the community. We owe a debt of gratitude to Kevin Kane, Sara Thomas, Vicki Cummings, Vytas and Ausra Montvydaite, Robert, Nicole, and Brianna Sherman, Elizabeth English, Michelle Francis-Winer, Jesse Merkel, Miriam Swann, Joe Anderson, Anna Zasada, Marianne Fieber, and Matt Myren—all of whom chipped in time, love, and tons of effort to make breakfast a success. In fact, we believe Ausra is still running around the Moose Lodge right now finding things to do to help. =)

We would also like to announce the winners of the Best Pajama contest:

  • Best Family Pajamas goes to......The Francis-Winer family for their Christmas Elves theme. Very festive, and well coordinated.
  • Best Individual Pajamas goes to......April Fetter for her lovely Unicorn Onesie. We should note, this was a tough vote, Richard Slinko's Piglet was a VERY close second place.

To the winners, please check your mailbox at school upon return from break for your prize.

And lastly, thank you to all who attended, and thank you in advance for attending the next breakfast in January. We really do have a wonderful community. Taking time to celebrate that and break bread together allows us to connect in stronger and more meaningful ways. Please know, each and every one of you are appreciated.

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698