Raffle Tickets - Sales Incentive Prizes!

The raffle tickets have been distributed, and we thank everyone for selling! If you haven't received yours, please be sure to check your parent mailbox or get in touch with Caroline Setoodeh (she is in the school directory).

Raffle Incentives & PrizesRaffleincentives2020all

Early Childhood Prize:
The top seller in each Early Childhood class will receive a week’s worth of passes, which can be used for either Extended Day or Aftercare (as space allows.)

Grades 1-4 Prizes:
After all students in a class sell all of their tickets, the class will have a special party to celebrate! (All three classes may win a party.)

Grades 5-7 Prizes:

  • Individual Prize: the top seller in Grades 5 - 7 will win a $200 prize!
  • Class Prize: The one class in Grades 5 - 7 that sells the most tickets will be treated to a special experience!


  • Turn ticket stubs in to the school office.
  • Make sure your name and grade are on the back so they are credited to the correct class/individual.
  • Ticket stubs must be turned in by 3:30 p.m. on Friday 4/24 to count toward prizes.
Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698