Ostheimer Toys are handmade, wooden toys from Germany. Many of these heirloom-quality toys are used in our Early Childhood classes. These unique, handcrafted creations are fashioned with a sense of wonder and love and encourage children to play creatively and let their imaginations soar. Each figure is shaped and painted by hand with devotion and care. Ostheimer figures, with their expressive colors and soft finish, are in harmony with nature in material as well as image. Loved by children and adults alike, they will radiate an atmosphere of peaceful presence through the years to come.
To view photos of the toys, a catalog is available in the school office or you can go online to https://meadowviewimports.com/ostheimer/products/. To order, use the DVWS order form. These were placed in the mailboxes of Early Childhood families and there will also be extra order forms in the office for anyone who wants to order—the Ostheimer sale is open to all.
Your order will be delivered before our Christmas Holiday Break.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. My information is in the School Directory.
Thank You,
Caroline Setoodeh