

Dear School Families,

Michaelmas season is here once again! Students kicked off this month-long in-school celebration today, Friday, September 27th. 

Please bring food donations beginning this week and throughout the Michaelmas season. 

In the spirit of Michaelmas, we give the children opportunities for deeds that engage their wills and help them to think of others. As such, our school will collect food pantry donations from all students, parents, and the community from now until Thanksgiving. Watch the school newsletter for more details about our annual Food Drive.

What is Michaelmas?

Beginning this Friday and lasting one full month, Michaelmas is a season71068102 10158158756336874 2423671824911958016 n that calls for courage, of battling dragons, and of overcoming struggles. Michaelmas is an ancient festival celebrated in most Waldorf schools; it epitomizes an important aspect of Waldorf education, self-development, which focuses on each individual's ability to find strength in the face of adversity and fear.  The celebration commemorates the Archangel Michael, and the archetype he represents—one who overcomes or transforms evil through intelligence, bravery, and fortitude.

71075778 10158158756771874 931356068930387968 nWe, as human beings, have the possibility of personal transformation. We all have our own dragons and our own lower, less noble aspects. Our egoism, greed and selfishness can be overcome as we evolve as individuals. Michaelmas is a reminder of this process of overcoming as we strive toward our full human potential.

70187931 10158158756356874 6731486059584028672 nFor children, Michaelmas is a time for activities of the will. The child's will and imagination are nurtured by activities of the season (picking apples, harvest work, grinding grain, planting bulbs, etc.) and tales which tell of vigor, resilience, and, valor, and of facing fears. These deeds and stories carry with them the universal truths this festival represents.

More information: "Why do Waldorf Schools Celebrate Michaelmas?"

In gratitude,
Da Vinci Waldorf School

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698