Kindermarket Photos & THANKS!

Dear Da Vinci Waldorf Families,

It is said, that it takes a village
To raise one's child.
It takes a strong community
To make it all work.
It takes a kind heart
To nourish, sprout and shine!

Img 4684 e1512117699494We, The Mother Elves, bow down to our strong Da Vinci Waldorf community, our village, and its many kind hearts! There were moments where we had to stop and pinch ourselves to believe that our community holds so many nice people, who are ready to help in any and every way asked! Our Kindermarket was a true success only because of all of YOU! Every hand did great work! From crafting at home or coming to workshops, cutting a gazillion paper snowflakes, gluing hundreds of cinnamon sticks, buttons, gems and paper trees, to baking, decorating, working shifts and staying late to sweep the floor! TOGETHER we made it happen! We couldn't be more proud of our small, but strong Da Vinci Waldorf Community!

There are too many names of helpers to list them all here. Please make sure you find a chance to step in to the school's EC hallway and check out our "Thank You Wall." Be sure to find yourself or your fellow Helper Elf in the pictures and give him/her a word of kindness and gratitude, because it does take a village to build a new generation—bright, kind, helpful and loving!


With extreme gratitude,

Mother Elves
Kindermarket Committee

Enjoy photos from our Kindermarket celebration!

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698