Double your dollars via Facebook and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Set your alarms! Time is of the essence!
All you need to do is donate as close to (but after) 7:00 AM CST on Tuesday morning, November 28th as possible, via a Facebook Fundraiser! Full details can be found here.
STEP #1: Visit our Da Vinci Waldorf School Gathering Place private Facebook Group, OR visit our public Facebook Giving Circle event page.
STEP #2: Choose a Facebook Fundraiser benefiting DVWS. Follow the steps it provides to complete your donation.
Donate as close to (but after) 7:00AM CST as possible to guarantee your gift will be doubled. Once the $2 million fund is gone, no more matching will be available. Last year the funds ran out before 9:30AM, even with no advance warning. Unfortunately, you will not have time to drop your children at school and donate afterward if you want your gift to be doubled. To maximize matching funds, make sure to donate to a "Facebook Fundraiser" that has not yet reached $1000 in donations, and do not cause it to exceed $1000. (Only the first $1000 of each Fundraiser is eligible for matching.)
STEP #3: Consider creating your own Facebook Fundraiser for others to donate to, and share to the above locations, as well. These should be created and shared in advance of the 7:00AM rush.
NOTE: There is no cap on matching from a single individual, only per Facebook Fundraiser. Simply spread your donation among multiple "Facebook Fundraisers" if you wish to double more than $1000 in donations!
Bonus: Facebook is waiving all fees on Giving Tuesday (November 28th.) 100% of donations made on this day will reach the school!